CSKA and CPKN Research Symposium
Join us February 25 - 27

The Community Safety Knowledge Alliance (CSKA) and the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) are excited to announce the CSKA and CPKN Research Symposium: Exploring and Implementing Trauma-Informed Policing. Building on nine years of partnership between the two organizations, this enhanced alliance aims to boost the integration of applied research and knowledge development to drive excellence in policing professional development.
Why Attend?
This two-day event will convene practice leaders and innovators to share emerging trends, discuss lessons learned, and offer fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities confronting policymakers, police leaders, and practitioners in their pursuit of effective trauma-informed practices. Our aim is to provide participants with a unique and comprehensive opportunity to explore and engage with the latest research and evidence-based practices that local police services and their personnel can adopt and implement.

This schedule is subject to updates and revisions.
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27

Thank you for your interest in attending the CSKA and CPKN Research Symposium: Exploring and Implementing Trauma-Informed Policing, registration is now closed.
If you have any questions, please reach out.