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CPKN 2024 Stanhope Conference Registration

Thank you for registering for the 2024 Stanhope Conference - we look forward to welcoming you to Prince Edward Island.

After submitting your registration, you will be added to our CPKN email distribution list. You will receive communications about the conference, CPKN newsletters, and information about other events throughout the year. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Event details

CPKN 2024 Stanhope Conference
Confederation Centre for the Arts
Charlottetown, PEI
September 24 - 26, 2024


Room blocks available at:
The Holman Grand Hotel

Booking can be done online HERE, or by phone: (902) 367-7777 or Toll-free:1 (877) 455-4726, please reference group reservation 167482.

The Great George Hotel

Please call 902-892-0606 or 1-800-361-1118 and mention CPKN Stanhope Conference and code 92224

Please Note: CPKN Board of Directors and National Advisory Committee members do not need to contact the hotel for booking. CPKN staff will be in contact with you individually to confirm your accommodation requirements.

Social Activities

September 24 - Welcome and reception at Confederation Centre of the Arts
September 25 - CPKN 20th Anniversary Celebration and Dinner at Trailside Music Hall
September 26 - Dinner at Lobster on the Wharf

These activities are included in the delegate registration fee, guests are an extra charge of $200. See form below.

The deadline to register for the conference is Friday, September 6 at 11:45 p.m. ADT. If you have any questions about the conference or need assistance with accommodations or travel, please contact us at

Thank you,
2024 Stanhope Conference Planning Team

Please fill in all fields marked with a *.
Upon completion of your registration you will receive an email receipt. Please contact if you have any questions.

Personal Information
The Details

i.e. allergies, gluten-free, vegetarian, hearing impaired, mobility restrictions, etc.

i.e. allergies, gluten-free, vegetarian, hearing impaired, mobility restrictions, etc.

Photo Waiver
I hereby grant CPKN permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of CPKN and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize CPKN to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose.

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