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About Us
About Us
Board of Directors
National Advisory Committee
Our Team
The Network Webinar Series
CSKA and CPKN Research Symposium
CPKN Knowledge Hub
Leadership Competencies
ACIIS Query Online
Active Shooter / Armed Intruder Awareness
Airport Policing
An Introduction to Privately Manufactured Firearms
Anti-Racism & Unconscious Bias for Workplaces
Assessing and Interpreting Dog Behaviours
Authority to Search
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Basic Impaired Driving Detection Techniques
Basic Impaired Driving Detection Techniques (Ontario)
Basic Investigation Skills
Basic Online Investigations
BC Cannabis Control and Legislation Course
BC Intimate Partner Violence Investigations Project (2021) – Introductory Video
Bill C-75
Border Awareness: Deter, Detect, and Disrupt
Canadian Credible Leadership Series
Canine Guidelines & Best Practices
Cannabis (Marijuana) Legislation: Impact on Workplace Safety
CannEd – Cannabis Education for Employers and Employees
Carbine Requalification
CBRNE Awareness – Public Safety
CBRNE Basic – Public Safety
Centering Health, Respecting Rights: Policing in the Context of HIV and Hepatitis C
CNIB Emergency Intervenor Services Program
Coach Officer Training
Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence
Commercial Vehicle Information for Frontline Police Officers
Conducted Energy Weapon Operator Training (British Columbia)
Conducted Energy Weapon Operator Training (Saskatchewan)
Conducted Energy Weapon – Taser 7 (Saskatchewan)
Confidential Informant Handling
Consent Law and Common Sexual Assault Myths
Convicted Offender Submissions for the National DNA Data Bank (NDDB)
Core Trauma Concepts
Counterfeit Currency Analysis
Counterfeit Payment Card Analysis
Counterfeit Travel and Identity Documents
Court Testimony
Courtroom Testimony for Intercept Monitor Analysts
Courtroom Testimony Skills
COVID-19 Pandemic Awareness (OPVTA Vol. 174)
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (OPVTA Vol. #183)
CPIC Query Narrative Course
Creating Brave Spaces
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Crime Scene Management
Crime Stoppers – Protecting Informer Identity
Criminal Justice Information Management (CJIM)
Crisis Intervention and De-escalation
Crisis Intervention and De-escalation (Atlantic Police Academy)
Critical Incident Stress Management
Cultural Awareness and Humility
Customer Service in the Police Environment
Cyber Flipbook for Law Enforcement
Cybercrime Investigations Level 1
Death Notification
Deception Detection for the Frontline Officer
Digital Evidence: Front Line Investigation
Drug Identification
Drug Stigma Awareness for Law Enforcement
Electronic Information Management (eIM) and Task-Based Investigations
Eliminating Workplace Sexual Harassment
Epilepsy and Seizure Response Training for Police Officers
Ethical Decision Making
BC Evidence-based, Risk-focused Intimate Partner Violence Investigations
Federal Parolees and the Community Corrections Team
Fentanyl Production and Trafficking
Finding Your Way® Dementia Response Training
Firearm Seizures – In the Interest of Public Safety
Firearms Identification for Public Agents 2.0
Firearms Verification
Forensic Evidence Collection
Foundations of Applicant Interviewing Part 1
Foundations of Applicant Interviewing Part 2
Homelessness Awareness
Homemade Explosives and Improvised Explosive Devices – Indicators, Availability, Effects
Honour Based Violence & Forced Marriage
Interviewing Suspects
Interviewing Victims and Witnesses
Immediate Rapid Deployment – Large Area Squad Tactics
Immediate Rapid Deployment – Team Tactics
Impairment at the Workplace
Improving the Reporting of Cybercrime through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey
Indigenous Awareness
Indigenous Awareness 101: Promoting Culturally Safe Practices
Indigenous Education Series
Infectious Disease and Pandemic Preparedness
Initial Critical Incident Response (ICIR) – Level 100
Intox EC/IR II – Proficiency Examination
Intox EC/IR II – Proficiency Examination (Alberta)
Introduction to Criminal Intelligence
Introduction to Criminal Intelligence Analysis
Introduction to Disclosure
Introduction to Evidence-Based Policing
Introduction to Hardened Secure Communications
Introduction to Human Sources
Introduction to Human Trafficking
Introduction to Information Access and Privacy
Introduction to Major Case Management
Introduction to PRIME (Versadex)
Introduction to the Cannabis Legislation
Introduction to the Federal and Ontario Cannabis Legislation
Introduction to Trauma and Sexual Assault Investigations
Investigating Serious Injuries and Fatalities in the Workplace
Items of Religious Significance: Hindu Religion
Items of Religious Significance: Religion of Islam
Items of Religious Significance: Sikh Religion
Judicial Administration
Lead Awareness Training
LIDAR Refresher Training
Managing Risks of Disappearance in Persons Living with Dementia
Managing Unconscious Bias
Matrimonial Real Property
MedicAlert Police Awareness Training
Mental Health Self-Awareness for First Responders
Methamphetamine and the Precursor Control Regulation
Military Veterans Wellness Program
Missing Persons Investigations (MPI)
MPUR: Child Abduction – AMBER Alert
MPUR: Child Abduction – Applicable Legislation and Charging Guidelines
Multijurisdictional Police Response to a Critical Incident
Naloxone Nasal Spray Administration
Note Taking
Nova Scotia Cannabis Control Act (Bill 108)
Organized Retail Crime
Overview of Intercepting Private Communications
Personal Protection Strategy for Infection Prevention and Control
Photographic Lineups
Police Ethics and Accountability
Police Investigative Process into Currency Counterfeiting
Police Response to Hate Crimes
Police (Street Checks and Carding) Amendment Act
Preventing Officer-involved Collisions
Prince Edward Island Cannabis Control Act (Bill 29, An Act to Respond to the Legalization of Cannabis)
Professional Standards Investigations
Public Alert Awareness
Public Safety Portal
RADAR Refresher Training: Stationary
RADAR Refresher Training: Stationary/Moving
RCMP PKI Local Registration Authority
Recognition of Emotionally Disturbed Persons
Report Writing
Restorative Justice
Risk Effective Decision Making
Scenario Based Mental Health and De-escalation Training
Search Warrant Drafting
Seized Firearms Safety
Sexual Offence Investigations
SFST Review and Introduction to Drug Impaired Driving
SFST Review and Introduction to Drug Impaired Driving (Ontario)
Sleep and Shiftwork
Standards for Reporting Founded and Unfounded Incidents
Survivor-Led Human Trafficking Detection Training
Suspect Apprehension Pursuits (v.4.0) Basic Refresher On-Line
Terrorism Event Pre-Incident Indicators
The Authentic Leader
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
The Illicit Trade of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods
The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada
Training on Hate Crimes and Incidents for Frontline Police Officers in Canada
Trauma Informed Survivor Statement Trilogy (OPVTA Vol. 189)
Understanding Community Safety and Well-Being
Unfounded Sexual Offences
Uniform Crime Reporting
Using a Trauma-Informed Approach
Victim Rights in Canada
Water Safety for First Responders
WHMIS 2015
Course Catalogue
Course Catalogue
ACIIS Query Online
Active Shooter / Armed Intruder Awareness
Airport Policing
An Introduction to Privately Manufactured Firearms
Anti-Racism & Unconscious Bias for Workplaces
Assessing and Interpreting Dog Behaviours
Authority to Search
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Basic Impaired Driving Detection Techniques
Basic Impaired Driving Detection Techniques (Ontario)
Basic Investigation Skills
Basic Online Investigations
BC Cannabis Control and Legislation Course
BC Intimate Partner Violence Investigations Project (2021) – Introductory Video
Bill C-75
Border Awareness: Deter, Detect, and Disrupt
Canadian Credible Leadership Series
Canine Guidelines & Best Practices
Cannabis (Marijuana) Legislation: Impact on Workplace Safety
CannEd – Cannabis Education for Employers and Employees
Carbine Requalification
CBRNE Awareness – Public Safety
CBRNE Basic – Public Safety
Centering Health, Respecting Rights: Policing in the Context of HIV and Hepatitis C
CNIB Emergency Intervenor Services Program
Coach Officer Training
Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence
Commercial Vehicle Information for Frontline Police Officers
Conducted Energy Weapon Operator Training (British Columbia)
Conducted Energy Weapon Operator Training (Saskatchewan)
Conducted Energy Weapon – Taser 7 (Saskatchewan)
Confidential Informant Handling
Consent Law and Common Sexual Assault Myths
Convicted Offender Submissions for the National DNA Data Bank (NDDB)
Core Trauma Concepts
Counterfeit Currency Analysis
Counterfeit Payment Card Analysis
Counterfeit Travel and Identity Documents
Court Testimony
Courtroom Testimony for Intercept Monitor Analysts
Courtroom Testimony Skills
COVID-19 Pandemic Awareness (OPVTA Vol. 174)
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (OPVTA Vol. #183)
CPIC Query Narrative Course
Creating Brave Spaces
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Crime Scene Management
Crime Stoppers – Protecting Informer Identity
Criminal Justice Information Management (CJIM)
Crisis Intervention and De-escalation
Crisis Intervention and De-escalation (Atlantic Police Academy)
Critical Incident Stress Management
Cultural Awareness and Humility
Customer Service in the Police Environment
Cyber Flipbook for Law Enforcement
Cybercrime Investigations Level 1
Death Notification
Deception Detection for the Frontline Officer
Digital Evidence: Front Line Investigation
Drug Identification
Drug Stigma Awareness for Law Enforcement
Electronic Information Management (eIM) and Task-Based Investigations
Eliminating Workplace Sexual Harassment
Epilepsy and Seizure Response Training for Police Officers
Ethical Decision Making
BC Evidence-based, Risk-focused Intimate Partner Violence Investigations
Federal Parolees and the Community Corrections Team
Fentanyl Production and Trafficking
Finding Your Way® Dementia Response Training
Firearm Seizures – In the Interest of Public Safety
Firearms Identification for Public Agents 2.0
Firearms Verification
Forensic Evidence Collection
Foundations of Applicant Interviewing Part 1
Foundations of Applicant Interviewing Part 2
Homelessness Awareness
Homemade Explosives and Improvised Explosive Devices – Indicators, Availability, Effects
Honour Based Violence & Forced Marriage
Interviewing Suspects
Interviewing Victims and Witnesses
Immediate Rapid Deployment – Large Area Squad Tactics
Immediate Rapid Deployment – Team Tactics
Impairment at the Workplace
Improving the Reporting of Cybercrime through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey
Indigenous Awareness
Indigenous Awareness 101: Promoting Culturally Safe Practices
Indigenous Education Series
Infectious Disease and Pandemic Preparedness
Initial Critical Incident Response (ICIR) – Level 100
Intox EC/IR II – Proficiency Examination
Intox EC/IR II – Proficiency Examination (Alberta)
Introduction to Criminal Intelligence
Introduction to Criminal Intelligence Analysis
Introduction to Disclosure
Introduction to Evidence-Based Policing
Introduction to Hardened Secure Communications
Introduction to Human Sources
Introduction to Human Trafficking
Introduction to Information Access and Privacy
Introduction to Major Case Management
Introduction to PRIME (Versadex)
Introduction to the Cannabis Legislation
Introduction to the Federal and Ontario Cannabis Legislation
Introduction to Trauma and Sexual Assault Investigations
Investigating Serious Injuries and Fatalities in the Workplace
Items of Religious Significance: Hindu Religion
Items of Religious Significance: Religion of Islam
Items of Religious Significance: Sikh Religion
Judicial Administration
Lead Awareness Training
LIDAR Refresher Training
Managing Risks of Disappearance in Persons Living with Dementia
Managing Unconscious Bias
Matrimonial Real Property
MedicAlert Police Awareness Training
Mental Health Self-Awareness for First Responders
Methamphetamine and the Precursor Control Regulation
Military Veterans Wellness Program
Missing Persons Investigations (MPI)
MPUR: Child Abduction – AMBER Alert
MPUR: Child Abduction – Applicable Legislation and Charging Guidelines
Multijurisdictional Police Response to a Critical Incident
Naloxone Nasal Spray Administration
Note Taking
Nova Scotia Cannabis Control Act (Bill 108)
Organized Retail Crime
Overview of Intercepting Private Communications
Personal Protection Strategy for Infection Prevention and Control
Photographic Lineups
Police Ethics and Accountability
Police Investigative Process into Currency Counterfeiting
Police Response to Hate Crimes
Police (Street Checks and Carding) Amendment Act
Preventing Officer-involved Collisions
Prince Edward Island Cannabis Control Act (Bill 29, An Act to Respond to the Legalization of Cannabis)
Professional Standards Investigations
Public Alert Awareness
Public Safety Portal
RADAR Refresher Training: Stationary
RADAR Refresher Training: Stationary/Moving
RCMP PKI Local Registration Authority
Recognition of Emotionally Disturbed Persons
Report Writing
Restorative Justice
Risk Effective Decision Making
Scenario Based Mental Health and De-escalation Training
Search Warrant Drafting
Seized Firearms Safety
Sexual Offence Investigations
SFST Review and Introduction to Drug Impaired Driving
SFST Review and Introduction to Drug Impaired Driving (Ontario)
Sleep and Shiftwork
Standards for Reporting Founded and Unfounded Incidents
Survivor-Led Human Trafficking Detection Training
Suspect Apprehension Pursuits (v.4.0) Basic Refresher On-Line
Terrorism Event Pre-Incident Indicators
The Authentic Leader
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
The Illicit Trade of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods
The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada
Training on Hate Crimes and Incidents for Frontline Police Officers in Canada
Trauma Informed Survivor Statement Trilogy (OPVTA Vol. 189)
Understanding Community Safety and Well-Being
Unfounded Sexual Offences
Uniform Crime Reporting
Using a Trauma-Informed Approach
Victim Rights in Canada
Water Safety for First Responders
WHMIS 2015
About Us
About Us
Board of Directors
National Advisory Committee
Our Team
The Network Webinar Series
CSKA and CPKN Research Symposium
CPKN Knowledge Hub
Leadership Competencies
Course Registration – cont’d