CPKN Newsletter 2022 – Edition 1
President's Message
As winter draws to a close, one wonders just how much resiliency we have left. The pandemic – once again – seems to be on the wane. But before we can garner hope, we are met with a three-week blockade of the nation’s capital followed by an even more harrowing invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
While I have no idea what will come next, I do know that throughout these unprecedented times Canadian policing has remained dedicated to upholding community safety and wellbeing. Training institutions, academies, and units have demonstrated ongoing resourcefulness and innovation to meet the professional development needs of the public safety sector.
What started as a pandemic-driven need to pivot to online learning shows no signs of slowing down. Instead of giving up these new tools and approaches as we begin to move towards an endemic state, there has been an even greater emphasis on improving virtual training to augment and complement the vast array of in-person training.
At CPKN, our staff have the privilege of working with some of the most progressive leaders and organizations in professional development for Canadian policing. In recent months, we have received many suggestions and opportunities for improving our learning systems and services. Police services, such as Toronto, OPP, Edmonton, and Surrey, have contributed to enhancements to our learning management system (LMS), which provides customized portals to more than 70 organizations. All our active learners will benefit from these changes, and there will be more to come. This year, our goal is to make the LMS the best it can be.
Beyond these improvements, this newsletter focuses on advancements across several areas of police training. Read on to learn about the development of a new national use of force model, how community consultation informed the RCMP’s courses on cultural awareness and anti-racism, and progress being made in wearable technologies to track cognitive load and stress levels.
I am not sure what challenges lay ahead, but our collective track record so far assures me that we are up to the task.
- Sandy Sweet, President