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Survivor-Led Human Trafficking Detection Training

Notice: This course is not included in annual subscriptions.


Content Provider:
TC Online Institute

Tagged Categories:

  • Community Safety & Wellbeing
  • Investigation Skills


4 Hour(s)

Release Date
December 2022

Registration Process Register

The majority of victims interact with police a minimum of 3 times while being trafficked. These interactions include traffic stops, noise complaints, hotel calls, robbery, theft and more. All frontline officers come across victims of human trafficking but they are extremely difficult to identify. Victims are often accused of and arrested for crimes they have been forced to commit and officers arrest the wrong targets because they miss the signs.

This survivor-led training offers insight into the minds of victims when approached by police, why they are noncompliant and in some cases even aggressive, and why they don’t come forward or ask for help. This training increases the confidence and knowledge of officers approaching victims, resulting in a higher success rate building rapport and getting statements. It also offers hands-on tips officers can implement immediately following the training.


TC Online Institute is a survivor-led educational firm working with survivors of human trafficking who are in different stages of their healing journey.

With this responsibility, we are committed to Ethical Storytelling, joining thousands of agencies worldwide. Recovery, safety, and protection of Survivors is paramount to us. We recognize that raising up Survivors’ voices is an essential component of changing the story of human trafficking and bringing the truth out of the shadows. Still, historically across the world, this has caused risk and harm to survivors without proper protocols and standards in place. Human trafficking is a severe crime with a serious impact on its victims and ongoing risks of safety and re-exploitation. Therefore, we adhere to the following standards in the storytelling of Survivor experiences through our programs and encourage agencies across Canada to rise to these same standards:

  • No Survivor will be required to share any part of their story for public or promotional uses while accessing our programs if they choose to work behind the scenes.
  • Survivors who express a desire to share their stories or input are provided appropriate training and one-on-one support to develop their message. Survivors are provided appropriate time to reflect on what they would like to communicate, with the goal of equal partnership.
  • Storytelling will make every effort to ensure that Survivors engaged in criminal or civil justice proceedings are not jeopardized or conditions violated.
  • Survivors are informed of what the information will be used for (for example, private or public teaching, website, promotional material, and social media advertising of their teaching content, etc.), and who will be able to see it.
  • Survivors will give written informed consent for use, which they can revoke at any time.
  • We commit to pay above minimum wage fees for our Survivor Educators.
  • We commit to offer a trauma-informed environment around our Speaking request and booking procedure.
  • We commit to using storytelling and images for the purpose of prevention and education, free of sensationalism and stereotypes.
  • Survivor video stories will be offered to agencies with the Survivor Educators’ written consent. Survivor Educators will be compensated each time their Story Video is inserted into any of our educational packages.

We encourage all exploitation serving agencies in Canada to adopt these standards and sign the ethical storytelling pledge at

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services

Content Provider

Content for this course was provided by TC Online Institute.