Risk Effective Decision Making
Content Provider:
Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police (AACP)
Tagged Categories:
- Investigation Skills
30 Minutes
Release Date
March 2021
This course will teach officers how they can effectively manage the risks faced during an investigation, through the use of the Risk Effective Decision Making model.
This course is part of the Alberta Investigative Skills Education Program (ISEP) level 200.
Learning Objectives
When you have completed this course you will be able to:
- Explain how Risk Effective Decision Making and Case Management encompass all aspects of an investigation as a systematic approach that uses basic business rules to investigate crime.
- Explain how officers are trained to recognize a threat, assess it, weigh options, and respond appropriately.
- Identify and categorize two main reasons why investigations are put at risk (human action/inaction and systematic factors).
- Analyze and evaluate new information and revise your investigative goal.
- Apply the if/then process to review your decision point and the outcome.
- Recall the three components (N.R.A.) of the action imperative state and follow the three steps — information review, if/then process, and action imperative (N.R.A.) — to manage investigative risk.
- Perform the “Necessary”, “Risk effective”, “Acceptable” step in the action imperative stage.
- Comprehend the three distinct phases within Case Management.
- Apply the necessary steps in the stability phase, the growth phase, and the finalization phase.
- Distinguish between the different roles and the responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Secondary Investigator, other resources, and an advisor.
- Complete and recall the three phases of an investigation including the evaluation phases (Phase I: Stability, Phase II: Growth, Phase III: Finalization Phase).
This course is part of the Investigative Skills Education Program (ISEP) Level 200.