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Federal Parolees and the Community Corrections Team


Content Provider:
Edmonton Police Service

Tagged Categories:

  • Criminal Justice System


1 Hour(s)

Release Date
December 2020

Registration Process Register

On a typical day in Canada, there are more than 8,500 offenders under supervision in the community. These offenders rely on an entire team of professionals, including police officers, to ensure a successful reintegration into the community as law abiding citizens.

Federal Parolees and the Community Corrections Team outlines what occurs after an offender is convicted, what laws govern the types of releases available to an offender, and how that offender is supervised in the community. In addition, this course provides guidelines for police officers when encountering an offender on community release and explains how vital law enforcement can be in assuring that each offender is properly managed.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities that Correctional Service Canada, the Parole Board of Canada and the police have in the Criminal Justice System
  • List the different types of releases and the laws that govern these releases
  • List offender classifications
  • Identify the process for handling and monitoring federal parolees
  • Describe how law enforcement can assist in the management of an offender in the community
  • Recognize your authorities when dealing with a breach involving an offender on conditional release
  • Describe the importance of team work when dealing with an offender

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Government and Other First Responders

Content Provider

Content for this course was provided by Edmonton Police Service.