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Drug Identification

Notice: The RCMP is in the process of updating the course to reflect the current and evolving drug landscape. Please note that the material currently presented in the course remains accurate and aligns with existing drug policies.


Content Provider:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Tagged Categories:

  • Drugs & Alcohol


2 Hour(s)

Release Date
August 2021

Registration Process Register

Illegal drug use impacts communities across Canada. In order for police to combat drug-related crimes, protect citizens, and ensure officer safety, officers need to know how to identify illegal street drugs and to understand how they are manufactured, trafficked, and used.

Drug Identification provides knowledge and skills to identify eleven common, illegally used street drugs, including fentanyl, PCP, and Ecstasy, that monopolize the drug scene in communities across Canada. In addition to reviewing appearance, street names, and paraphernalia related to these drugs, this course explores the psychological and physiological effects of these drugs on users.

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the common and illegally used, street drugs based on appearance, street names, drug use paraphernalia, and street jargon
  • Recognize the psychological (mental and emotional) and physiological (bodily functionality) effects on individuals using these common and illegally used street drugs

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Student, Government and Other First Responders

Content Provider

Content for this course was provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.