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BC Intimate Partner Violence Investigations Project (2021) – Introductory Video


Content Provider:
BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Tagged Themes:

  • Community Safety & Wellbeing
  • Investigation Skills


Length (in hours)
15 minutes

Release Date
September 2021

Registration Process Register

This micro-learning object utilizes a video to convey the learning content. As such, please ensure that you have audio capabilities, either speakers through your computer, or headphones if you are listening in a public area.

Purpose: This video is intended as a brief orientation to the major components of the BC IPV Investigations Project, including the new online course, new Summary of IPV Risk Factors (SIPVR) and associated PRIME templates. Reviewing this video does not replace mandatory IPV training.



  • Management: Insp. Randy Bell; Mngr. Betty Froese
  • Curriculum Design Editor: Mngr. Betty Froese, M.Ed., B.Ed.;  Jane MacAskill, M.A., B.Sc.
  • Subject Matter Resources: D/Cst. Ben Stevens (Vancouver PD); D/Sgt. Mike Darling (Regional Domestic Violence Unit); Cpl. Crystal Shostak (RCMP EDiv)
  • Development and Multimedia: Cst. Joshua Reynolds; Cst. Lisa Kofod; Michael Rybacha, B.Sc.


Copyright © 2021 Vancouver Police Department

You may not produce, reproduce, publish, translate or distribute these materials without the prior written permission of the Vancouver Police Department. For written permission or further information, please contact the Vancouver Police Department Learning and Development Manager Betty Froese;

Target Audience

Sworn Police

Content Provider

Content for this video was provided by the Government of British Columbia in consultation with BC IPV Police Subject Matter Expert Working Group. The video development was completed by the Vancouver Police Department.