Articles and Reports
- Stanhope 2014: The Road Ahead: Defining a Collaborative Learning Future — Final Report to Public Safety Canada (English | Français)
- Jane Naydiuk: 2014 Recipient of F. Darren Smith Award
Available presentations are provided in pdf format.
- Evolving CPKN (Sandy Sweet)
- Economics of Policing: Shared Forward Agenda (Rachel Huggins, Public Safety Canada) (Français)
- Strategic Planning Session (Cal Corley)
- Challenges in Policing: One Chief’s Perspective (Chief Devon Clunis, Winnipeg Police Service)
- National Training Inventory (S/Sgt. Jamie Clover)
- Introduction to the New CPKN LMS (Adam MacDonald)
- Towards an evidence base for the effectiveness of Individual Training and Education modernization in the Canadian Armed Forces (Dr. Jerzy Jarmasz, Learning & Training Group,Defence Research & Development Canada)
- Collaboration Session: The Harvest (June MacDonald-Jenkins)
- Driving Simulator (Simon Pare, Public Safety Canada)
- ENPQ’s Les vunerables Project (Danielle-Claude Belanger)
- Calgary Police Service’s Gaming Project (Insp. Tam Pozzobon)
- Under Scrutiny: An Adventure in Mapping the Recruit Training Curriculum at JIBC (Steve Schnizter & Nora Houlahan)
- Toronto’s First on Scene Homicide Course (Sgt. Sean O’Brien)
- CPKN’s D&D Product Evolution (Esther Duncan & Dan Goodwin)
Other Resources:
- Overview of ILIAS – CPKN’s New LMS (CPKN)
- Road to Mental Readiness (National Defense/Canadian Armed Forces)
- Sim Leader