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CPKN is an integral part of the National police community and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors representing police services from across the country. The organization was built on a foundation of collaboration with a National Advisory Committee that provides expertise, guidance and advice on issues ranging from topic selection to planning the Stanhope Workshop. In addition to the National Advisory Committee, CPKN works collaboratively with Subject Matter Experts from police services, training organizations, and other agencies to deisgn, develop, and deliver high quality products.  As a not-for-profit, the collaborative efforts of CPKN are some of the ways the organization can provide value to the public safety community.

Conferences & Events

CPKN hosts the Stanhope Conference each year. It is the national forum for sharing knowledge and best practices related to police training and the discussion of emerging issues. The Conference continues to evolve to keep pace with ongoing transitions within the police training community. 80+ training managers and public safety community members attend the annual Stanhope Conference.

In addition, CPKN hosts annual user-group meetings, attends conferences, events, and participates as a member on a number of national committees.

Competency Framework

A strong Competency-based Management (CBM) framework will strengthen the professionalism and standardization of policing in Canada. CPKN was entrusted to hold intellectual property to the CBM framework that was developed, with sector input, by the former Police Sector Council. In November 2018, CPKN can facilitated a workshop about police competencies in Canada and a report on these discussions will be available in early 2019.


Hosted and supported by CPKN, the NPTI was created by the National Advisory Committee to increase learning collaboration and efficiencies across the sector.

By contributing to NPTI the Canadian police trainers can broaden access to subject matter expertise, reduce the time and cost of developing new resources, and support the delivery of consistent, high quality and efficient training. More than 200 users are registered to the NPTI forum.