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Introduction to Human Trafficking


Content Provider:
RCMP National Human Trafficking Section


Length (in hours)
3 hours

Release Date
August 2020

Registration Process Register

Human trafficking is a crime that affects the most vulnerable members of society. It is a global issue and according to the United Nations is tied with illegal arms, the second largest criminal activity in the world after drugs. Victims of human trafficking suffer a violation of human rights and are to be considered as persons in need of protection. Promoting the safety and well being of victims must be a paramount concern for all law enforcement.

Introduction to Human Trafficking is designed to provide Canadian law enforcement officers with a functional and practical tool, enabling them to learn and better understand the crime of human trafficking, pertinent legislation, and general victim assistance guidelines. This course will enable officers in the field to better detect and investigate potential human trafficking cases, identify potential victims, and provide greater assistance to victims of human trafficking.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Define human trafficking
  • Understand the unique dynamics of human trafficking and the circumstances that victims experience, including the trauma and context of fear
  • Explain the offences related to human trafficking in both the Criminal Code of Canada and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • Apply investigative tools and victim assistance strategies when working with victims of human trafficking to ensure their safety
  • Describe the guidelines to follow when investigating human trafficking domestically and internationally
  • Describe the various partnerships that are essential for helping victims and prosecuting traffickers
  • Describe examples of human trafficking cases that were brought before the Courts in Canada


Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Government and Other First Responders


This course is a pre-requisite for learners registered to the Canadian Police College's Human Trafficking Investigator's Course (HTIC). It is also open to all Canadian law enforcement, as well as DoJ and Public Prosecution Service of Canada personnel.

Content Provider

Content for this course has been provided by the RCMP Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre in consultation with various law enforcement, government and non-government organizations. The development of this course was funded by the Government of Canada's Sector Council Program.